Wednesday, April 14, 2010

When will we see the end of the Office de la langue francaise?
It is one thing to ensure that francophones are entitled to communicate freely in public institutions, but that right should not be at the expense denying someone the ability to work in their field.
For over twenty years anglophones have used a health system where many of the clinics and hospitals are staffed with unilingual francophone employees, and although there have been some instances of miscommunication or denial of accommodation, in general the norm has been that Quebecers can sort things out for themselves.
When Dr. Ambreen Dadabhai failed a portion of her french test, it had absolutely nothing to do with her field of expertise, which is medicine.
Not only has her right to work as a physician been denied, she was refused the results of her test for receiving under 50%.
Obviously the Office de la langue francaise is more concerned with sullying the purity of their ministerial goal than helping a doctor become proficient in french.
This pathetic excuse for protecting the French language has done nothing but sew dissent amongst Quebecers, deprived us of a badly needed family physician and made Quebecers look like pedantic buffoons.
Quebecers can resolve language issues on their own, thank you, and the courts are there to settle any problems that do occur.



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