Friday, October 07, 2011

The 99 %

How refreshing it is to see, finally, a stirring of discontent amongst the people.
It is reminiscent of the early 80's, when the Polish shipyard workers in Gdansk laid down their tools and struck. It was a brave thing to do, especially since the oppressive hand of the Communist governments of Poland and their Russian masters weighed heavily in the daily life of the Poles.
Then, as now, there were no leaders, just a heartfelt swelling of resentment towards nothing in particular and yet everything.
And after a matter of time, one person, then an obscure electrician named Lech Walesa; and to-day, in America, it will be someone else who will climb up above the others and speak with the simple language of a Will Rogers.

We have witnessed the Government's attempts to stave off economic disaster by shoring up the banks and Wall Street; it was done with the best of intentions, but these financial institutions betrayed us.

Now is the time for America to say,


The only thing we asked of the banks was to ease lending enough to see the economy sputter and start; and what did they do? First thing was to hand each other bonuses, after all, you wouldn't want them to go somewhere else...
These people destroyed the financial system and the powers that be are worried about them going somewhere else? How about jail?

If the Government is going to print money to pay off the financial system, why doesn't it let them stew in their own pot and start lending the money at a very low interest rate to the people instead, so they can pay off their mortgages and debts and start producing goods at home, so people can have manufacturing jobs, earn a decent salary and pay taxes?

What the Hell is the government going to run on when everybody is working at Walmart for minimum wage and paying little or no taxes at all?


Watching the videos of Police attacks on peaceful demonstrators, one can't help but notice that it is senior officers that are the ones using pepper spray and batons. It begs the question; ARE THEY ACTING AS 'AGENTS PROVOCATEURS', to goad the demonstrators into violence, so they can justify corporal action, mass arrests and Martial law? Be careful, America.


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