Friday, May 23, 2008

The Quebec Nation
On May 23, Jean Charest, speaking as the Premier of Quebec stated that: “Quebec forms a nation through its history, language, culture and institutions.” He also spoke of the equality of men and women, primacy of the French language and the separation of State and religion.

The word “peoples” is conspicuously absent from his definition of the Quebec nation; because, for him to to include it would force the recognition of the true founding members of these lands, its aboriginal people; and also, it would force recognition of the role English Quebecers have in Quebec’s culture, history, language and institutions.

There may be equality among men and women, of which the Premier can be proud of, but as long as Quebec’s peoples remain outside of the nation, nothing will change.

The Bouchard-Taylor commission spoke with strength and wisdom, but the politicians have weak knees.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, said recently that criticism of the state of Israel is likened to the former Nazi state of Germany, and those showing anti-Israel sentiment are hiding a thinly veiled anti-semitism.
It leads one to wonder, that given the great number of Canadians who oppose America's stance on the war against terrorism, as to what Harper will call us in this case. With his logic, we must want the destruction of the U.S. too.
Mr. Harper should not confuse the unacceptable actions of governments who destroy and kill innocent civilians in the name of democracy with the people who live under their rule.
Playing the race card only shows how corrupt the game of democracy has become when it is necessary to use such a tactic to stifle dissent.
Mr. Harper has no business judging me.