Monday, March 19, 2012


     This morning I threw out a brand new, 12V Motomaster  air compressor that I bought last fall. Used only a few times, the compressor quit. Being handy, I pulled it apart, to discover that the wires were totally corroded. I guess the poor bastard working his 16 hour shift in a Chinese factory sweatshop just couldn't keep up and skipped cleaning off the flux. I can't blame him.
     But I can blame the greedy sons of bitches that run our Corporations, who, not happy with the tidy return they got when they made things here in North America, put millions out of work by moving their buying to China, just so I can get stuff on the cheap. But is it really a bargain?
I had an American 12V compressor that lasted me ten years; now, I am going to be buying my fourth one, made in China, in the last three years. So far I am out close to a hundred bucks and I don't have anything to show for it!

Well, come Hell or high water, from here on in I will gladly pay for goods made in Canada or the USA. As a matter of fact, even Mexico makes better stuff.

When I was young and the Japanese were clearing away the destruction from a failed war, we often used to refer to Japanese goods as junk. Had I realized that they were making our toys with discarded Coke cans, I would have cut them some slack.
The Japanese swallowed their pride and, within twenty years, they forged their way out of the junk market to become world leaders with the highest quality goods.

China, on the other hand, in spite of the massive influx of technical assistance, cannot seem to get their noses around trying to cheat the system. They think we are suckers, and they are right.

Lets get our people back to work making good stuff. If the Scandinavians and the Germans can do it, why can't we?
Oh, that's right; we are too busy letting the Corporate crooks tell us about how we have to be more efficient to compete.

Maybe if they took a little less money out of the system, there would be enough to go around.


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